Selected feedback from Weekly Teaching Programme participants 2023 - 2024
“The duration of the course ensured that I had a good steady pace for my study in the 9 or so months leading up to the exam. The feedback sessions were helpful, and the convenors were very approachable and non-judgemental creating a supportive environment for us as candidates to share our thoughts and rationale for answers.”
“Succinct and relevant information. Great quality practice exams”
“Very helpful topics covering exam focused questions.”
“Giving an indication of scope of knowledge that is typically tested in the exam, and providing updates to practice that may be examined.”
“The MCQs were very helpful. The lecturers were excellent.”
“Regularity of lectures, very organised programme, felt like I covered a lot of key content.”
“Really great variety of topics. Found it a good mix from all specialties.”
The course begins on 6 June 2024 and continues through 30 January 2025. The teaching programme is delivered every Thursday afternoon from 2-4pm (NZ time) during these months. Lecture recordings are uploaded on the website every Friday and remain available until the Divisional Clinical Exam in 2025.
Live lectures via Zoom, as well as video recordings of the lectures viewed at your convenience!
NZ$2,600 incl. GST
Registration for the FRACP Weekly Teaching Programme is now open. We accept registration until the end of October 2024. Late registrations may be accepted; however, the cost and length of access will not change.
Please contact the programme coordinator first if you are interested in these options as Ts & Cs apply.
Arum Jung
FRACP Training Programme Coordinator
Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health, The University of Auckland
The Auckland University Department of Paediatrics established this annual course in 1988. It is a two-week intense review of topics tailored for the Part 1 FRACP Paediatric examination. Over 60 practicing clinicians from Starship and other NZ hospitals present during the course, and speakers are carefully chosen to be up-to-date and informative. The course is updated every year and involves a mixture of topic reviews and mock questions within each session.
Most handouts, lecture recordings and a web-based programme of the topics are available to the students attending the course in person or online. The success of the programme has been testified by direct feedback and ultimate examination success from the students after the course. Please see testimonials from past students on this website.
To ensure maximal individual benefit and support, the places for the in-person option are limited in this course. The course is regularly oversubscribed and sold out. Early expressions of interest and early registration are recommended.
If you are interested in this course and have had an unsuccessful exam result before, please contact the programme coordinator.
Selected feedback from Intensive Two Week Course 2023
“The quality of most lectures was very, very high and most focused on high yield topics which is incredibly helpful. Lots of questions and case solving, not just content!! Pretty much all the content discussed was relevant to the exam.”
“Very organised and on time, learnt so much new content and enjoyed the relevance of the topics/ discussions for the exam (especially talking about recent research and evidence that may be in our exams). All the lecturers and convenors were wonderful.”
“Exam focused content, case and question-based learning, interactive, engaging speakers, excellent slides with just the right amount of detail!”
“Well organised. Option to learn in person or from home via Zoom so great flexibility. Great effort spent to include zoom participants and make sure questions are answered”
“Comprehensive and aimed to be directly related to exam”
“Most of the speakers very engaging and approachable.”
“I enjoyed the case-based approach that most speakers employed with lots of practice exam questions.”
“I appreciated the lecturers breaking down complex concepts into something simple/ easy to understand.”
“Exam focused! High yield. Relevant.”
Prof Cass Byrnes
Dr Susie Cunningham
Arum Jung
This course will run from 12pm on Sunday, 17 November to Friday, 29 November 2024 (with no lecture on Saturday, 23 and Sunday, 24 November).
* Course dates for 2025: Sunday, 16 November to Friday, 28 November (with no lecture on Saturday, 22 and Sunday, 23 November)
Building 507-G007
School of Medicine
Grafton Campus, The University of Auckland
28 Park Avenue, Grafton, Auckland
This course will also be provided virtually via Zoom
In-person: NZ$3,500 incl. GST
Online: NZ$2,600 incl. GST
We also offer a package deal for those signing up for both the Weekly Teaching Programme and the Intensive Two Week Course in the same year. Please contact the programme coordinator if you are interested in this option, as Tc & Cs apply.
Please register your interest by emailing the Programme Coordinator at
Registration opens Monday 1 July at 9am NZ time and closes Sunday 14 July at 6pm NZ time. The ballot for the in-person option will be held in the week of 15 July, and the final registration will be confirmed by 22 July.
Online registration only at
Click here to view the Course Programme 2023
Arum Jung
FRACP Training Programme Coordinator
Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health, The University of Auckland
This is an online course. You will be granted access to the electronic course materials for the entire lecture series from 2023. Once registered, within 3 working days, we will send you your login ID and password to view the lecture slides and videos from either Weekly Teaching Programme 2023-2024 (option 1) or Intensive Two-Week Course 2023 (option 2). You can also sign up to access both courses (option 3) and receive a discount. Details for each option are as below. Please choose one of the options when registering.
You will have access to the course materials until 31 Oct 2024. Your access to the course materials will not be extended should you change your mind about when you will be sitting your exam. Your credentials and access to the course materials will be disabled end-of-day 31 Oct 2024.
Access the entire lecture series of FRACP Paediatric Part 1 Weekly Teaching Programme 2023-2024, which includes 5 practice MCQ exams (32 questions each), 1 practice MCQ exam of all topics (50 questions), and Paper 1 and 2 MCQ practice exams (50 questions each) with detailed feedback/explanations provided. These are all new questions written by our question writers. Please contact the programme coordinator to learn more about the session topics covered from 8 June 2023 – 1 February 2024 (28 weeks, 2 x 1-hour topic presentations per week).
Selected feedback from Weekly Teaching Programme participants 2023 - 2024
“The duration of the course ensured that I had a good steady pace for my study in the 9 or so months leading up to the exam. The feedback sessions were helpful, and the convenors were very approachable and non- judgemental creating a supportive environment for us as candidates to share our thoughts and rationale for answers.”
“Succinct and relevant information. Great quality practice exams”
“Very helpful topics covering exam focused questions.”
“Giving an indication of scope of knowledge that is typically tested in the exam, and providing updates to practice that may be examined.”
“The MCQs were very helpful. The lecturers were excellent.”
“Regularity of lectures, very organised programme, felt like I covered a lot of key content.”
“Really great variety of topics. Found it a good mix from all specialties.”
Access the entire lecture series of FRACP Paediatric Part 1 Intensive Two-Week Course 2023. Please contact the programme coordinator to learn more about the session topics covered during 19 November – 1 December 2023. We also provide one MCQ practice exam (50 questions) with detailed feedback/explanations.
Selected feedback from Intensive Two Week Course 2023
“The quality of most lectures was very, very high and most focused on high yield topics which is incredibly helpful. Lots of questions and case solving, not just content!! Pretty much all the content discussed was relevant to the exam.”
“Very organised and on time, learnt so much new content and enjoyed the relevance of the topics/ discussions for the exam (especially talking about recent research and evidence that may be in our exams). All the lecturers and convenors were wonderful.”
“Exam focused content, case and question-based learning, interactive, engaging speakers, excellent slides with just the right amount of detail!”
“Well organised. Option to learn in person or from home via Zoom so great flexibility. Great effort spent to include zoom participants and make sure questions are answered”
“Comprehensive and aimed to be directly related to exam”
“Most of the speakers very engaging and approachable.”
“I enjoyed the case-based approach that most speakers employed with lots of practice exam questions.”
“I appreciated the lecturers breaking down complex concepts into something simple/ easy to understand.”
“Exam focused! High yield. Relevant.”
Access the entire lecture series of FRACP Paediatric Part 1 Weekly Teaching Programme 2023-2024 and Intensive Two-Week Course 2023. Discount is applied.
Option 1 or 2: NZ$1,960 incl. GST
Option 3: NZ$3,332 incl. GST
We accept registration until the end of July 2024. Late registrations may be accepted; however, cost and length of access will not change.
Arum Jung
FRACP Training Programme Coordinator
Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health, The University of Auckland